Max Bollinger
A collection of Short Stories by Anton Chekhov featuring A Tragic Actor, In A Strange Land, Oh The Public, The Looking Glass, Her Husband and Overdoing It. These stories are small masterpieces. The scene is set quickly and within a few sentences the story line is underway. But all seem to contain an element of the unexpected.
A timeless observation of the human condition from one of the best story writers in history of world literature. Chekhov's stream of consciousness technique that revolutionised modern literature and his characteristic mix of humour and poignancy unite 11 stories featured in this collection. A Tragic Actor; In A Strange Land; Oh The Public; The Looking Glass; Her Husband; Overdoing It; Talent; Anyuta; The Helpmate; Ivan Matveyich; Polinka
...Chekhov's trilogy of interlinked stories about Truth, Freedom and Love. First published in 1898 in Russian and released as separate stories. This title, based on translations by Constance Garnett with revision and adaptation by Max Bollinger follows Chekhov's original vision by bringing the three stories together once again.
A collection of Chekhov's short stories featuring: Talent, Anyuta, The Helpmate, Ivan Matveyitch, Polinka. These stories are rich in characterisation and represent brilliantly observed slices of life. They don't come to an end, they just peter out inconclusively leaving you to draw your own conclusions.
A beautiful Christmas story of love, forgiveness and uneasy life. Set in Chicago on a bitterly cold Christmas night, William, considers stealing both to satisfy his hunger and to find excitement in his dull life, but when a woman drops a parcel he gives it to her instead of running off with it. He feels as if he is a failed thief, in the same manner as he has failed at everything—college, journalism, real estate, performing. He then walks