Pt. 1. Arcade fire. Baby Mario: the birth of Nintendo of America
Mario's artist: Shigeru Miyamoto and the creation of Donkey Kong
Mario's brawl: the MCA Universal lawsuit
Mario's early years: the video game crash of 1983.
Pt. 2. Super 8. Mario's Island: Japan and the Famicon
Mario's sunshine: Super Mario Bros. and the Nintendo entertainment system
Mario's bomb: the lost levels
Mario's smash: Super Mario Bros. 3
Mario's brothers: The Nes and the Game Boy
Mario's drift: Sega, the Genesis, and a very fast hedgehog.
Pt. 3. Sweet 16. Mario's clash: The Sonic-Mario showdown
Mario's galaxy: spinoffs galore
Mario the juggler: Mario paint
Mario's advance: Nintendo's discs
Mario's kart(ridge): Virtual boy and other three-dimensional fun.
Pt. 4. Third prize is you're fired
Mario's communication kit: The Nintendo DD
Mario's melee: The gamecube
Mario's time machine: The Game Boy advance
Mario's saga: sunshine and darkness.
Pt. 5. WII are the champions. Mario's revolution: the DS
Mario's princess: the WII
Mario's party: three days in the life of Nintendo
Mario's legend: the future of Nintendo
Mario's misfortune: how Nintendo survived 2011.