La carcajada = The peal of laughter ; La celosa = The jealous woman ; Gran señora - Grande dame ; Invitación = Invitation ; No lloras más! = Weep no more! ; Pst! ; Se fué y no vuelve más = Is gone and shall not return ; Te quiero tanto! = I love you so much! ; Los tres golpes - The three blows ; El velorio = The wake / Ignacio Cervantes
A cayumba: Dança dos negros = African-Brazilian dance of Blacks / Antônio Carlos Gomes
Ama sublime = Sublime soul ; Ausencia! = Absence! ; Buen humor! = Good humor! ; Cielo de encantos = Heaven of charms ; Dí que me amas! = Say that you love me! ; Felices dias = Happy days! ; Feliz encuentro! = Fortunate encounter! ; Idilio = Idyl ; No me toques! = Don't touch me! ; Si te toco! = Yes, I touch you! / Juan Morel Campos
Digo = I say ; Famoso = Famous ; Guerreiro = Fighter ; Myosotis = Forget-me-not ; Nove de Julho = The ninth of July ; Pierrot ; Talisman = Lucky charm / Ernesto Nazareth
Malgré tout = Despite all / Manuel María Ponce
El coquí = The tree frog ; Mascota = Mascot ; Se acabó el tereque = Done with it! ; Si fueras mía = If you were mine ; Viva la Unión! = Long live the Union! / José Ignacio Quintón
El ultimo golpe = The final blow / Manuel Saumell
Hueya, op. 46, no. 1 ; from Milongas, op. 63: Requiebro a las caderas = Admiring her hips ; Lo rodaja de mi espuela se ha enredado en tu pollera = The wheel of my spur is tangled in your skirt ; Qué trenzas para pialar payadores! = What braids to lasso the payadores! / Alberto Williams.