The electromagnetic spectrum
The universe is the dimmest it's been in billions of years
The universe is beige, on average
The galaxy is flatter than a credit card
Galaxy collisions don't actually cause any stars to collide
The galactic center tastes of raspberries and smells of rum
The centers of galaxies can blow galaxy-sized bubbles
A distant black hole is surrounded by water
Some galaxies look like jellyfish
The whole sky glows in neutral hydrogen
Some of the stars in the galaxy are just passing through
Supermassive black holes can sing a super-low B flat
Some black holes could be necromancers
Neutron stars colliding gave us gold and platinum on Earth
Some objects spin so fast they nearly self-destruct
It rains iron on some brown dwarfs
We saw a chunk of rock or ice from outside the solar system
It rains diamonds on Neptune
An exoplanet we thought was made of diamond might be lava instead
There's a pitch-black exoplanet
The moon smells of gunpowder
You could grow turnips on Mars soil if it weren't full of rocket fuel
The moon once had lava lakes and fire fountains
Saturn's less dense than water
Some of Titan's lakes might be the flooded remains of explosions
Pluto's surface is young, somehow
Some asteroids are just piles of rubble in space
Jupiter's magnetic field will short-circuit your spacecraft, but Venus will just melt it
Europa might glow in the dark
Saturn's rings are falling apart
Ceres once had volcanoes that erupted with salt water
Triton orbits backwards and is doomed.