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1) Dead calm
Seven female Hmong villagers kidnap Dr. Siri on orders from the village elder who hopes that Yeh Ming, the thousand-year-old shaman who shares the doctor’s body, will consent to exorcise the headman’s daughter. He fears that her soul has been possessed by a demon due to the curse of a mysterious Western artifact. Siri agrees to help and, in so doing, brings to pass a prediction of Auntie Bpoo,...
When a party official's wife turns up dead in Communist Laos, an elderly doctor becomes an unlikely detective in this engaging mystery.
Dr. Siri Paiboun, one of the last doctors left in Laos after the 1975 communist takeover, has been drafted to be national coroner. He is untrained for the job, but the independent seventy-two-year-old has an outstanding qualification for it: curiosity. And he doesn't mind incurring the wrath of the
Dr. Siri Paiboun, reluctant national coroner of the People’s Democratic Republic of Laos, is summoned to a remote location in the mountains of Huaphan Province, where for years the leaders of the current government had hidden out in caves,...
Dr. Siri Paiboun, one of the last doctors left in Laos after the Communist takeover, has been drafted to be national coroner. He is untrained for the job, but this independent seventy-two-year-old has an outstanding qualification for the role: curiosity. And he does not mind incurring the wrath of the party's hierarchy as he unravels mysterious murders, because the spirits of the dead are on his side—and a little too close for comfort more
...13) Lucky stiff
14) Frozen stiff
15) Slash and burn
20) Board stiff
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